Just dropping in…

It’s kind of funny how having loads free time also seems to kill my drive/imagination for writing (of course, I don’t actually like doing it in the first place :P). I have some ideas in mind for posts (another random rambling list somewhere along the line, maybe a post or three on some series impressions, maybe some reposting of stuff I wrote before said blog), but nothing definite yet. And that’s probably because of lack of trying (in summer, laziness rules supreme).  Anyways, just letting people know that I still exist, and that I’ll probably start focusing in a couple of days. Who knew thinking was so hard? 😛

Trying to think outside of the box…

2 Responses to “Just dropping in…”

  1. 1 Owen June 10, 2007 at 1:06 am

    About time. Your updates were missed. Get crackin’! 😛

  2. 2 Lainforce June 20, 2007 at 1:40 pm

    Hey, summer is making me lazy, too.

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