Posts Tagged 'ef'

Impressions on a Year 2008: Happy Action Fun Time

By TheBigN

Part 1: Interesting People
Part 2: Awesome OP/EDs
Part 3: Fun Phrases
Part 4: Scintillating Soundtracks

And so I finish with moments that made an impact on me in some way, shape or form. It makes me realize just how much has gone on this year that’s been interesting and fun to keep up with, and it also reminds me about how many moments that I haven’t seen yet. Things keep on moving, so hopefully this next year keeps up with the trend of interesting shows, though I might not be able to keep with them as much as I did this year. Ah well. As always, if you have selections of your own, please say them. :3

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Thankful for Anime, 2008

By TheBigN

When I did this last year, I thought I was a little unique for setting it up the way I did. Turns out that this same format (and the title even), had been done for years past by one Jason Miao. Goes to show you how originality is hard to come by (orz). But it still is a good time to be thankful for yet another fun year in new anime series.

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TheBigN’s Crappy One/Two-Liner 2008 Fall Preview

As I’ve stated before, I haven’t done these things before because for most of the shows, I don’t know jack about them, so I thought there was no point. Well, I still think there’s no point in the matter, but because I can’t really think of anything else to post about for the moment (and the Hidamari Sketch x365 posts come when subs come, though I’ve already finished the series *tear*), I figured why not show-off my lack of knowledge and not-so-great humor? If you want actual valuable information, see the many other blogs that have the reviews for this season. Otherwise, here are my “brief” thoughts, with a few unrelated pictures because I’m lazy. Yes, it’s that crappy. 😛

And while on that, for Marimite Season 4.

Waiting for the upcoming Season 3.

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Thankful for Anime, 2007

Written by TheBigN

Granted, this will be bit earlier than usual for some, but why not get that head start in anyways? 😀

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What a Captivating ef Up We Have Here

More random ef fun in other places.

Written by TheBigN

I don’t really know what to label shows like ef ~ a tale of memories~ as, but I do know that I don’t usually watch series like it: “Guy meets girl” works based on visual novels set in high school (usually) or some realistic where romance seems to be the name of the game. I’m very inexperienced with this type of thing. From my limited, simple/close-minded thoughts, those types of series consist of a series of random luck, coincidences, the supernatural (sometimes), variations on the same character archtypes and situations that quickly cause a destined couple to have a love that is better than all while spurning other character’s feelings in the process. It tends to be “wish fulfillment” where a guy who’s often a blank avatar we can use as an extension of ours in terms of getting the girls that we want, so I can’t connect with any of the characters there. And the relationship itself seems so forced and out there by the creators that it’s too unrealistic and superficial for me to understand and like. Or so I say without any good reason to do so. With this rationale, you can see why I feel like I need to try and see things in a different light. I figure ef is a good place to start with that.

It would be interesting if they went with the action angle here.

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In Pursuit of Awesome (A New Season of Reviews)

By Nomad Otto

Alright, the first midterm in the class I’m teaching is over, so I have a break in the grading, moreover, I was a good person, and did a large chunk of my homework over the last couple of days, so I have time to watch things, and, then, now, to write about them. This new season is fairly short on Nomad shows, but heavy on Bign shows, so don’t expect to see lots of positive reviews. Also, though fall is my favorite season, the fact that it’s not flipping cold enough means that I can’t enjoy the main benefit of the colder temperatures, the ability to wear heavier clothes without seeming like a terrorist or thief. Finally, the joys of teaching are somewhat mitigated by the fact that some of my “kids” are lazy sacks of shit, and since my continued funding depends on the mercy of my reviews, both from the prof and from the kids, if they don’t do well, I look bad, and I might have to get a real job.

Continue reading ‘In Pursuit of Awesome (A New Season of Reviews)’

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