Season of Sequels, Black Lagoon and Much, Much more

By NomadOtto
Alright, I realize that I haven’t posted in two yonks, but…. eh, I really have no excuses, other than that Black Lagoon is a pain to read and I wanted to finally beat Rome: Total War (Which I did, mostly because by having sufficient cavalry you have hit the “win button” for every battle except sieges). In this post, I’ll talk about my picks for shows for the new season, but, first, Black Lagoon, well, to be more specific, the Black Lagoon manga. You see, I’d watched Black Lagoon a while ago, and really liked it, so I decided to pick up the manga, which turned out to be one of those things that sounds like a really good idea until you actually get into the meat of it. You see, anime adaptations of manga generally don’t have everything that happens in the manga, and so reading the manga usually gives you a bit of extra material, plus, if you’re familiar with the series from the anime, you can get into the swing of reading stuff easier. However, in other cases, pretty much the entire manga is covered in the anime, and so you’re probably going to be bored by reading it again. The problem with Black Lagoon is that it does have new stuff, it’s just that’s it’s spread throughout the manga, concentrated mostly at the tail end of the books that I got, and my tolerance for reading it is low, because the language is hard. Blah Blah Blah, you don’t care, this isn’t LJ, and you want the review, well, check below, oh my droogs.
Black Lagoon is awesome because it’s basically a hollywood action movie, except rather that having to stare at Steven Segal, I get Levy. That’s the basic idea that a lot of people have about the series, and, to an extent, it’s true: Levy is much hotter than Steven Segal. However, what I really like about Black Lagoon is the Russian Mob. Seriously, I’d read something just about Balalaika and Co. kicking ass, because they’re in the special category of intelligently brutal that is amazing to watch in action, but really scary to deal with. Also, at least before Dutch and Benny became side characters in the “Rock and Levy show,” they were pretty cool, especially Dutch. Finally, the relationship between Levy and Rock isn’t that badly handled and realistic (other than the fact that Levy is somehow a virgin…).
The problem with Black Lagoon is that the author is too good at making characters. Some throw-away chump like you’d see in other manga is sufficiently awesome to get recycled, so, by the time you’re on volume 7ish, you have a huge cast, all of whom keep showing up, making the “main four” have much, much less screen time. This is solved by turning the manga away from the lagoon company, and into the “Levy and Rock” show, which makes the story lose focus. I’m not even sure where the theme/plot is going now, and it’s feeling more and more like “new character of the week” with the introduction of another Colombian maid. Well, at least the omake are hilarious.
Enough of that shaz, it’s question time. How much did you guys like the last couple of anime seasons?
1) Eh, they were okay…
2)I liked them
3) I hated them
4) I loved the last couple of seasons to the extent that I would be willing to watch remakes/sequels of/to anything that made money, even if they were garbage.
If you answered 4, you’re in luck, because, to first order, that’s what you’re going to get! There’s also some new stuff, but it generally falls in the category that I like to refer to as: “Go cry, Emo kid.” In other words, I’m not going to watch True Tears, Shigofumi or “The one show with the blind kid” unless, for example, the show with the blind kid is like Zatoichi, in which he wanders around kicking ass with his blind-guy-fu. Alright, enough yaking, time for reviewing:
Gunslinger Girl II
I really like Gunslinger Girl, despite the fact that show is basically about how tragic it is for these girls to be turned into weapons for the state, and how they’re about 10 seconds away from a “Nice Boat.” (The NomadOtto super-amoral viewpoint is: they were gonna bite it/be crippled for life and suck all the joy out of their parent’s lives anyway, so why not? Also, why little girls? Someone in the social welfare agency is clearly in need of a good party-vanning) What I enjoy about the show is the fact that the weapon designs are nice and detailed, and how the firefights are vaguely believable. Anyway, we’re getting more of it. I didn’t bother to pull out my old GG dvds, but I’m pretty sure that the voice cast is different in this version, along with the fact that the animation quality dropped a notch. If you liked Gunslinger Girl and wanted to watch more, watch this show!
The important part of this show
Kimi ga Arugi et. etc.
Imagine Hayate the Combat Butler, expect age the entire cast about 10 years (I’m talking “anime age” which means how old they look, rather than what age the writers put next to their names), make Tama an obnoxious egg-shaped robot (seriously, whenever this hunk of junk talks, I want to break it into tiny pieces), and add some additional characters (one of whom has a name that is easily confused with that of male genitalia) for cheap laughs and you have this show. In other words, it’s garbage (in fact, poorly animated garbage). However, because it made jokes vis-a-vis 2ch (Pedo-bear* and “Yararenaika” to be specific) I’m going to watch it for a while longer, provided I don’t injure myself trying to murder the little egg robot thing through the screen.
The text below reads “benis”
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Zoku
Whoa man, more despair. That’s all there really is to it. If you didn’t love the first show, you’re probably reading the wrong blog (well, it did get much more fan-service-y than I would have liked, but still). This gets a watch. Also of note are the facts that the OP and ED are extremely rockin’, even if the animation in the ED is done in the Shoujo heroin chic that I do so loathe.
The first part of this episode is spoken entirely in subtitled gibberish.
Aria: Another One
Go ask the BigN.
Persona: Electric Boogaloo
Garbage, avoid. To be slightly longer:
Premise: Persona shows are worthless
Minor Premise: Persona 3 is a Persona show
Conclusion: Persona 3 is worthless
Precure: Beyond Thunderdone
If you like Precure, there’s a slight chance that you’ll like this. If you don’t, well, there’s a 100% chance that you’ll never have heard of this in the first place. On an unrelated note, precure cosplay seems to crop up everywhere. It’s amusing, but I don’t really get the reason for it.
Sisters of Welber: Insert sequal reference here
Apperently there’s some kind of wise-cracking tank…. I don’t know, I didn’t watch the first season, and so my chance of watching the second is vanishingly small.
Which brings us to the joy of the two shows that I have a non-zero chance of watching this season that are original
1) Moegaku
It’s designed to teach people English, as well as being a magical girl parody (at this point I think there are more magical girl parodies than actual magical girl shows). I already know English (feel free to dispute this due to grammar, spelling, etc.) but I may watch an episode or two of this for the lols.
2) Wolf and Spice
It’s a show about a merchant and a wolf-god-thing. It actually looks pretty good, (by this I mean I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen), even if the animation quality is… variable. The manga (what little exists) does a good job of making a fantasy story without the standard tropes of fantasy (no rag-tag band of heroes with unclear goals and hearts of gold here), which I appreciate. My only worry is that a show about a guy who wanders around selling stuff has been done before, and might not be sustainable over the long term. On the other hand, I played a lot of the merchant class in RBO, so viva Wolf and Spice!
by the look on his face, he's carrying a cargo of hemp

As far as the “more” in concerned, I recently listened to one of the most terrifying tracks in human history, Jam Project, those heroes of Gar and Hot Blood, singing Motteke Sailor Fuku (the Lucky Star OP). If this isn’t a sign of the coming apocalypse , I don’t know what is.

* Yes, this is my first footnote for the Blog, I’ll try to use them sparingly after the orgy of footnotes that marked my articles for my college anime club newsletter. I feel it important to note that Kuma and Pedobear are very seperate characters, and that the character being referenced here is Kuma, not Pedobear. However, people are much more likely to recognize Pedo-bear than Kuma by name, at least state-side. Thus, I used Pedo-bear. Also, Kuma is pretty tame, whereas Pedo-bear is hilarious and “edgey,” increasing the chance that I’ll become an internet celebrity complete with cash money, fame, and women. That’s it, now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some worthless trash to watch in hopes of seeing more internet memes.

7 Responses to “Season of Sequels, Black Lagoon and Much, Much more”

  1. 1 animanachronism January 13, 2008 at 4:13 am

    Cavalry = autowin in a world without stirrups? The horror! And the horror is probably also why Revy is so improbably a virgin.

  2. 2 nomadotto January 13, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Yeah, it’s ridiculous. The roman army was built around heavy infantry, with cavalry serving as support. The true roman legions didn’t even have cavalry divisions, instead, they had auxiliary cavalry, which as used on an “as needed” basis.

    However, in the game, all you need is enough heavy infantry to keep the opposing center occupied and then a couple of cavalry charges with even light skirmishing cavalry is enough to make everyone turn tail and run, at which point you can mop them up very efficiently with your fast-moving cavalry.

    And that was today’s installment of Too Much Information!

  3. 3 TheBigN January 13, 2008 at 11:11 am

    “Go ask the BigN.”

    Oi. 😛

    In terms of original series, so far I’m only watching True Tears (don’t like the main charcter right now, but apparently it’s OOH GREAT ANIMATION) and Wolf and Spice (don’t like the main male protagonist right now, keep expecting him to show off his Geass/Glam Sight/etc. At least he spazzes like Watanuki well), and I’m thinking of watching Shigofumi just because. I can always tackle my backlog if everything falls out.

    In terms of sequels, definitely watching ARIA the ORIGINATION, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (first episode was hilarious), and Gunslinger Girl II. We’ll see what happens after that. 😛

  4. 4 animanachronism January 13, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    @ nomadotto: Your reply makes me feel nostalgic for my childhood. Me dad was doing a History doctorate at the time; life was just one cataphract or Dutch pirate after another. Then I wound up studying Commentarii de Bello Gallico (a.k.a. Why I Am So Great, by Julius Caesar) at school.

    But I’ve never had access to a computer with the power required to play Rome Total War. Sad times.

    @ TheBigN: I also expect Lawrence to Geass people.

  5. 5 Richelieu January 15, 2008 at 10:47 am

    Rome: Total War?…Wait, I’m playing Crysis. Feelin’ good.

    @animanachronism – Hey, your school’s owns mine real bad, I had to do “Why I Am So Great” by Friedrich Nietzsche. And I had to prove him RIGHT.

    The new season doesn’t look too much my thing. Perhaps that’s because spazz, emo and random anime mostly aren’t my thing. And unless I’ve played the game of a game-based anime before and I’m sure the anime’s fine, safe and not-too-censored *cough*Fate/Stay Night*cough* (by cross-referencing at least 3 reviews of the first 3 episodes), there’s no way in hell or anywhere else I’ll let another anime adaptation betray me like the two Type-Moon ones.

    (praying hard for Kara no Kyoukai to be good)

    Zetsubou Sensei is something I’d only pick up come Saimoe ’08,
    I’d probably only jerk some crocodile tears over True Tears,
    and Precure? What’s that? A shortened lingo for Pretty Cure?

    That just shows you my cynicism over anime, lest I be proven wrong to the point of surrender.

    Wolf and Spice is okay with me. I’m an economics person, so I can’t help it, oh well. And GSG II I will watch, if only because I can’t get my lolicon eyes off ‘rietta and gang (and would you NOT put that automatic whatever in my face?!)

    Something murderous would be good one of these days, so long as it doesn’t get to School Days level 😀

    That’s all, I guess.

  6. 6 nomadotto February 9, 2008 at 9:33 pm


    The Kara no Kyokai trailer looks pretty sweet, unfortunately, the DVD’s haven’t come out, and the chance of me finding and watching a cam are vanishingly small, so I wait in silence.

    Zetsubou sensei was originally a pun-based manga, which is fast-falling down the road to harem show. The author has even commented about the level of moe going up in the anime in the omake of the manga. Then again, they keep most of the puns, so it’s good fun to watch for that, at least.

    Yeah, Precure = Pretty Cure.

    If you’re interested in horrible murder, try Menmosyne. It’s tits + murder, but you’re halfway there, so feel free to give it a watch.

  7. 7 Αγγελος March 19, 2015 at 10:06 am

    @Black Lagoon.Could Rei Hiroe(he’s the creator of Black Lagoon)explain us what exactly happened to Rock’s parents? Are they alive,or something horrible has happened to them?Their absence gives me the odd feeling that Kageyama might have orderd their murder,and that should look as “accident” just for a cover-up.Whatever happened we have to know,if the latter did will Rock find the truth?Will Revy stay on his side cementing and admitting her love for him?I want nice developments between Revy and Rock.Revy and Rock!I love them.
    Questions we ought to think,and Hiroe has to answer for:Were the Okajima’s told their son “was dead”?If so what was their reaction?Did they demand explanations about Rock’s “death”,and compensations as well?About how much far would the unscrupulous (and maybe trickster!)Kageyama go just to ensure the dirty deals and cover ups of Asahi industries?!Even ordering a murder that would seem as “accident”?!
    I still think Rock should see his parents,to have their blessings for his future.You see, in the last episode of “Black Lagoon :RBT” he states that somewhere on this planet someone outdid him and that he can’t save anyone.That’s why he needs to see to them,for a “You have our blessings ,we love you son”.But if turns out they were killed in a tragic “accident” arranged by Kageyama?Guys like him say it so callously:“The cause justifies the means,and we have to save our company!”,” because Rock is estranged from his parents and whole of Japan is our advantage for the final cover up.We ‘ill get rid of the pests Okajima’s.Rock will never know what happened ,and even if after years he will.. this won’t help him to gather evidence against us!”
    Hm,will the Iranians enter Roanapur?I don’t think Balalaika would be pleased to encounter Qassem Suleimani.He’s so Tough,so tricky!

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