Drastic My Anime Blog’s 1st Anniversary: Four More Years!

Written by TheBigN

So it’s been a year since I’ve thought to myself, “Why not?” (props to Author getting the first comment), and decided to try animeblogging myself after many hours of reading other people’s anime blogs and feeling like I wanted to voice my opinions out into the world as well (read: be an attention whore). I’m not sure what I was expecting for this blog this year, but results have turned out better than expected. 80000+ page views, 600+ comments, and almost 100 posts later, I think DMAB has started to establish itself. As what? A premier anime blog? Hardly. 😛 I do think there’s been some integration of this blog into the animeblogosphere, what with myself commenting mostly everywhere that interests me, joining up with blog aggregators and group projects, of course watching more anime than before (how do I do it?) and so on. And I’d like to think nomadotto’s and my writing might have had a lot to do with it as well. :3

Still learning as we go.

I’d want to thank my inspirations (omo, Jeff Lawson, kur0gan3,etc.), people who kept me afloat and kept my interest in doing this thing in different ways (Author, saturnine, lastarial, wildarmsheero, Ori0n, etc), and other stuff, but it would take too long (or would it? :P). I’ll definitely thank my good, good friend nomadotto for his writing, camaraderie and different perspectives than mine on things (since reading variations on the same theme can get tiring, I’m sure). And as always, I thank all who’ve read, commented and critiqued, pinged me back, browsed, skimmed, stumbled on here because of pictures and such, searched for random stuff and found here by luck, and so on. You guys give me motivation to keep writing when I don’t feel like writing, and to get better at it as I go along.

As for what happens later on, I do hope for DMAB to keep on going strong. Till that end, is there anything that you want to see more of (I can’t necessarily do anything with nomadotto’s writing frequency though. Personal schedules and all that jazz)? Or just want to see period? Anything you don’t want to see? Just some things that I might take into consideration to use for DMAB for the future.

And you know that we’re in the future now. And now. And now. Funny how that works, huh?


25 Responses to “Drastic My Anime Blog’s 1st Anniversary: Four More Years!”

  1. 1 Owen February 13, 2008 at 7:26 am

    This is late, but happy anniversary. Hope to see you blogging for as long as possible. (:

  2. 3 mrmayat February 14, 2008 at 6:29 am

    Happy Anniversary to you guys.

    You guys are fine the way you are. It’s great to see other people sharing the joy of “slice of life” anime with such passion.

  3. 4 Jeff Lawson February 14, 2008 at 9:22 am

    Congratulations on the first year!

  4. 5 nekosasu February 27, 2008 at 5:05 am

    over 2 weeks late, but better late than never xD

    well, congrats on your blog’s first anniversary \o/

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