And now for a random fanboy moment.

Written by TheBigN

So if you’ve been reading this blog, you might have noticed that I have a thing for ARIA. In this case, you should excuse my saying that RightStuf is my favorite licenser at the moment, as other bloggers have noted with this annoucement. 😛 ARIA has been one of the titles that I’ve wanted licensed in the US since I first started caring about that sort of thing years ago, so I’m really happy that this came through (Now go Hidamari Sketch! Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Futakoi Alternative!). And I hope that somehow I’m able to introduce this (in my opinion) wonderful world to others.

On that Shiny May First... I'm very content as an anime fan for the first time in a while.

As if Akari needs any extra help in the first place. 😛

More embarrassing phrases please.


25 Responses to “And now for a random fanboy moment.”

  1. 1 TheBigN May 10, 2008 at 1:32 am

    Rin: Well, considering that it’s still the Japanese version on DVD, and you liked it… 😀

    blissmo: Well, now that you’re into anime, why don’t you take another look at it again and see if anything changes.

    Sojouner: You know you want to… 😛 And besides, even when you’re “current” with what’s going on anime-wise, the majority of fans probably won’t be able to watch every good anime that is coming out at the time when it does come out. So don’t worry about it too much, seriously.

    RK: Well, now the the series is over, you should be crying a bit more. :3

    Jesus159159159: You should’ve been tipped off way way back by my very first post in the blog, if you go back that far. Or my post about ARIA when the OVA was first announced. Yeah…

    I don’t know the target audience myself, but I’m not quite sure that we are it. And I do know one ARIA fangirl, but she’s already taken. 😛

    And I’m not sure I can take credit for Kabitzin deciding to take a look. I just help show people the way, as do other ARIA fans. :3

  2. 2 Jesus159159159 May 11, 2008 at 1:55 am

    lol, I was looking through your achieve (and your first post) and remember seeing that Alice pic! Heh, guess it should have been obvious (and on a side note, your blog is actually pretty young! How bout I take YOU to dinner something? :D)

    *sad* Well, we got to fish out the available ARIA fangirls somehow! Maybe they don’t come out cause we oogle over the cast too much 😦

    You smashed the last nail in Kabi’s coffin, so you get ALL CREDIT!!! (well, at least I think you did, I mean, his comment on this post and his ARIA blogging have pretty close dates…)

  3. 3 TheBigN May 11, 2008 at 2:53 am

    and on a side note, your blog is actually pretty young! How bout I take YOU to dinner something? 😀

    Sure, as long as you’re paying. 😛

    Well, we got to fish out the available ARIA fangirls somehow! Maybe they don’t come out cause we oogle over the cast too much

    You’re obviously not using enough embarrassing phrases. Look at President Aria, for example. For all the posing and deep voices he can flaunt, it’s those phrases that he says (and sometimes directly transmit through his head) that get Princess Hime willing to listen.

  4. 4 Jesus159159159 May 11, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    *writes advice in Love Manual* Gotcha! 😉 and *checks wallet*… maybe some other time! XD

  1. 1 This made my yesterday better. « Drastic My Anime Blog Trackback on September 30, 2008 at 9:46 am

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