Random Ramblings V

By TheBigN

Sooooooo… To start, my main (laptop) computer’s fan crapped out, and while I can still use it with the help of a powerful cooling board, it’s functionality has been seriously affected and slowed down to the point of inefficiency to do many things, including watch anime  with it. As such, I’ve been using a Kindle Fire to watch anime for the past couple of weeks. It’s been an interesting experience; partly in that most of the shows that I want to watch this season with outliers (e.g. Smile Precure!, AKB0048, Natsuiro Kiseki) are able to be watched through legal streaming means which greatly helps things IMO, and partly that the Fire has various apps (hulu + and Crunchyroll are what I’ve been using – let me know if there are other good ones) which help “keep me in the loop”, as it were.  As for shows I’m watching this season that make me feel like I can write about them in the small amount of free time I do  have, even though there’s a lot of good stuff this season, typing on a tablet is kinda…

Kise Yayoi by Haruyama Kazunori.

Yayoi in her element. Picture by Haruyama Kazunori. http://diary.fc2.com/user/kazuharoom/img/2012_5/25.jpg

But of the stuff I have been seeing, I’ve been enamored with Fate/ZeroBodacious Space Pirates , Jormungand and Space Brothers more than anything else. These shows are just “fun” for me to watch for different reasons, and that’s without even taking a whiff of Kids on the Slope yet (which I will in the near future). But it’s been difficult for me to feel like I can write something “substantial” about the first two shows (basic thoughts come to “Wow ufotable/Urobuchi/Rider/; lol Kirei” for the former, and “it’s really hard to dislike anyone in this epic pirate show, plus Chiaki is awesome” for the latter). And that’s been sort of the excuse/crutch I’ve been using in my head as to why I haven’t been writing much about anything over the past couple of months. But sometimes, I think it’s a little good for me to step back from blogging about everything I see, and just enjoying things without haven’t to really comment on them. And more days slip away without taking “advantage” of them from this medium.

In other ramblings, I should be able to come to this year’s Otakon at a much greater “capacity” than last year for sure. My schedule breaks in a nice way, and allows me a full weekend (and you don’t realize how valuable they are when you start doing residency) for me to be stressed out doing something that I enjoy.  I’ve definitely been out of the loop in terms of the greater anime blogging community, and it will be nice to meet up with friends I haven’t  seen in a while. As a panel guy, I’ll get my fill of something that was woefully inadequate in my limited time there. And trying to find a fun gift for Tetsuya Kakihara to sign will be a random nice quest for me.

And it looks like DMAB has made it into the third round of the Aniblog Tourney this time around. What really makes it interesting for me is it’s a sort of “Head-to-head-to-head” round, where only the top two blogs survive (which makes a nice parallel to this current round of matches in Saki Achiga-hen \o). And while I’m not sure this blog will make it through to the next round, it’s cool facing off against blogs like Mainichi Anime Yume, Conspicous klux, and especially Omonomono in one of those “I feel like I’m fighting my rival, except that he doesn’t know I exist” sort of deals. Win or lose, should be enjoyable.

That's sort of the main feeling that I get when see Marika and co. do their piracy thing.

That’s sort of the main feeling that I get when see Marika and co. do their piracy thing. Fun times.

Here’s to hopefully having more time to post in the future. \o

2 Responses to “Random Ramblings V”

  1. 1 dgarnet June 13, 2012 at 9:47 am

    before my laptop overheats, i have an electric face faced right towards the grafix card and processor. id rather sweat than not have something to watch and read haha.

    stepping back and just enjoying things is also a good way to revitalize the passion that once a person writing. a fresh new flow of thoughts might just come in :3

  2. 2 Mushyrulez June 14, 2012 at 2:44 am

    When I watch moe anime my laptop overhearts.

    this is why I don’t use laptops

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