Hooray, Hooray! 100K!

Written by TheBigN

So DMAB has reached 100,000 hits, and I didn’t think that this figurative milestone would be reached so soon. Though based on how long it took to get here, it seems like it will take a little more than 9 or so years to get to one million hits if I last that long. That being said though,  it’s always more about the quality of the hits than the hits themselves.  If they aren’t like the fist of an angry god, then the hits really don’t matter.  I want something positive to come out of this for everyone involved. 🙂

I do like how this blog has had more impact than I expected it to (remember folks, keep expectations low, and you’ll be pleased when they’re exceeded!), and as always, I hope that nomadotto, myself and the readers/commenters/etc can continue to get what they want out of Drastic My Anime Blog.  Positively speaking, of course.

Obligatory Shiki pic for something not focusing on an anime.

In other news, I’m brain farting right now in terms of what to write about. I have some ideas turning in my head, but nothing at the moment that I could create a “thick” post with (obviously, these topics need to be boiled down a little bit more).  But for off the top of my head quick shots, I can say that I’ll definitely be sad if ARIA The ORIGINATION is the last season of the franchise, I’m hoping that momentum swings back into Noe’s “favor” in true tears, and that I’m really enjoying Potemayo just two episodes in. Does anyone else think the show’s style of humor seems to be a more controlled and much less perverse Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan? Oh well. :3
She’s doing it wrong. It’s /duct/ tape that fixes everything.

18 Responses to “Hooray, Hooray! 100K!”

  1. 1 TheBigN March 18, 2008 at 8:09 am

    I know that more likely than not, we’ll get another 100K in the future quicker than this one, but thank you guys for the congratulations. 😛

  2. 2 digitalboy March 18, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    : O I had always thought your blog was like uber-popular or something >_< You get so man more comments than me XD

    Anywho, congrats. I’m about 50 hits away from the 30K mark myself ^_^

  3. 4 TheBigN March 19, 2008 at 3:18 pm


    “I feel like that too, lol. But to me, what’s important is that I’m enjoying blogging and watching anime. If I worry about stats too much it takes the fun out of blogging.”

    Indeed. If I ever feel like I’m not having fun blogging, I’ll stop doing it. Regularly blogging is harder work than I expected, but it’s not something that I’ll stop doing for a while. 😛

  4. 5 choo23 March 22, 2008 at 8:45 am

    this may be a bit too late but congratulations!

  5. 6 alafista March 25, 2008 at 11:21 am

    100k is always nice. Now aim for 1 million!! \o/

  1. 1 A Quarter Of A Million Hits Later… « Drastic My Anime Blog Trackback on October 30, 2008 at 9:01 pm

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